Happy October 2018!!!! Whoooo Hooooo...Trick or Treat!
In This Issue with Suzie Bowers, CHt, Soul-Discovery CoachTM
1. Sweetest Day October 20th, 2018
2. Hypnosis for Cancer and Other Medical Issues

Hypnosis for Cancer and Other Medical Conditions
First off, I want to share October 20th is Sweetest Day…..It’s like Valentine’s Day in October….
Every day is a good day to let our loved ones know how special they are in our lives. Take a time out today and send a sweet note or give a surprise little gift to your special someone…your honey, your child, your friend, mom or sister.
We can get so caught up in the stressful minutiae of life, sometimes we forget to appreciate those little "earth angels" of ours.
October is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Let’s face it, everyone has been affected by this horrible cancer in one way or another. Make sure you take time to get your check up and take great care of yourself. (this goes for men too.)
If you are struggling with any sort of dis-ease in your body, remember, your mind is powerful and not only can it create imbalances and cause dis-ease, you also have the innate ability to heal yourself with the power of your mind.
The key is to imagine what you want, NOT what you don’t want. Any time we’re dealing with a scary illness…our Ego mind tends to worry and project fears into the future, which creates anxiety…avoid this at all costs and instead focus on the present moment. Visualize yourself healthy, vibrant, walking, enjoying nature, laughing with friends and family….stop, breathe and observe the beauty and perfection in all nature, the cycles of life. Get out in the light...expose your naked body to the sun....this will lift your vibration.It's absolutely amazing. Some parts of our body never see the sun and live in the dark.....light is healing.
Did you know Hypnosis has been proven to help people overcome the stress of medical challenges? In fact in a recent segment on the Today Show…doctors are using hypnosis instead of anesthesia in the operating room! YES! Healing time is quicker, less risk than anesthesia.
In the recent study, out of 50 patients having surgery with hypnosis, only 1 needed the anesthesiologist to step in. This is huge and is direct proof of the power of our minds. Study by: Houston MD Anderson Cancer Center, 2018.
Hypno-Anesthesia is a specialty. I use it with my Stop Smoking clients to show them how powerful their mind really is and without failure, it causes a big "Ah HA" moment for them.
Are you struggling with an illness, worrying about the future, having trouble sleeping? If so, Hypnosis could be the perfect thing for you.
I not only specialize in smoking cessation, but have worked with 100s of people to overcome anxiety, depression and even relationship issues. If you've always wondered if Hypnosis could work for you....give me a call and let's set you up with a FREE consultation....you'll be glad you did.
Warmly, Suzie