Your Soul DiscoveryTM Begins Here.

This program is designed for you, the seeker of a joyful, prosperous, healthy and successful life.
You will learn powerful processes to apply in the manner that expresses your "Soul-Purpose" so you may be in alignment with your best self and even help others if you feel so moved.
You will receive 8 personal, customized sessions, online or in person. Exercises and ceremonies to facilitate at home.
BONUSES: You will receive a copy of Suzie's Book: Ten Keys to Living a Soul Life and a Recorded Audio for Releasing Stress, Increasing Vibrational Frequencies and Activating the Law of Attraction in your life.
Yes, I am Ready to Invest in Myself and Accelerate my Spiritual Growth.
Soul-Discovery CoachTM
Create the Life You Desire and Deserve
In this 8-week program, you will experience shifts in your levels of consciousness and create the pathway to joy in your life. Created specifically for empaths or anyone who wants to gain clarity and confidence on their spiritual life path journey.
This is Private work directly with Suzie Bowers.
Based on Her Book: Ten Keys to Living a Soul Life ~ by Suzie Bowers, Soul-Discovery CoachingTM takes you from where you are to where you'd like to be.
Are you sensitive? Do you feel the waves of intense energy affecting our planet now?
Do you have prophetic dreams?
Have you always felt you were here to do something important, to help others?
Do you experience strong intuitive feelings?
Are you struggling to feel truly whole in every area of your life?
Do you sabotage yourself when you're feeling happy and successful?
Are you a Light Worker in need of mentorship and guidance to manage the influx of chaotic energy?
Does it feel like sometimes the harder you try the harder it is?
Have you struggled emotionally from old wounds and trauma?
We will apply powerful Hypnotherapy and Spiritual Sessions to help you move forward in your life. Customized for you and your goals...your spiritual sessions may include:
Guided Imagery, Soul-Retrieval, Power Animal Journey, Past Life Regression, Sub-Personality Collaboration and MORE.
Each Session is customized and begins with a check in and re-evaluation of goals and level of progress.
Bringing years of spiritual training in many different areas together, Suzie will share her years of training in Hypnosis, Guided Imagery, Soul-Retrieval, Medicine Wheel, Shamanic Journeying, Angelic Reiki, Awakening Your Light Body, Spiritual Growth, Past Life Regression, Soul Healing, Pendulum Work and Spiritual Response Therapy, NLP and Kinesiology, into a power packed process you can use with yourself or your clients to facilitate healing on the Soul-Level.
ADVANCED Work with Suzie Bowers:
Take Your Program as Far as You Want to Go! Join the Soul-Discovery Coaching and Hypnotherapy Certification Training. Have you always wanted to be a workshop leader, author, Spiritual Counselor?
If you desire, we will discuss next steps with you in your own healing journey and life work. You will experience the purpose behind your Soul's Life adventure. We will help you overcome areas of your own life that have been blocking your success. Then you'll be ready to share your experience with other if you feel drawn to this work.
Are You Ready for Your Next Level?
YES, Let's Do It.
Some of What you May expect from your Unique Experience:
Powerful States of Consciousness which will raise your vibration and lead you to Bliss.
Connect with the Universal forces of Love and Light and Activate Your Own Light Body.
Improve Your Own LIFE and Activate the Powerful Forces of Manifestation.
Clear Your Own Mental and Emotional Blocks Which Will Catapult Success for You and Your Clients
Learn Powerful Hypnotic Inductions and Therapeutic Tools for Rapid Change.
Explore and Understand the Mind Model of Consciousness.
How and Why we are Programmed with Beliefs that Disempower Us and How We Can Change Them.
Increase Intuition
Use Past Life Regression to Release Energetic Programs for Healing
Intuitive Processes to Access Inner Wisdom for Profound Change
Open Your Channel and Connect with Your Angels and Spirit Guides
Get More in Touch with Nature and the 5 Elements and Integrate for Transformation
Utilize Tools Such as Angel Cards combined with hypnosis for rapid success
Learn How Our Personality May Affect Our Life Experience.
Opportunity for Advanced Work and Certification in Hypnosis and Soul-Discovery CoachingTM and Apprenticeship in Advanced Academy Group Program